Ground Specialty Coffee, 12 Ounces


Single Estate Specialty Coffee

  • Premium Arabica beans selected from the best micro-lots at our fourth generation family farm
  • Medium body, low acidity, smooth, sweet with citrus notes, consistent as our coffee is never blended 
  • Strictly high-grown under shade trees, harvested by hand, European-prepared and naturally dried
  • Sustainable production practices with the highest standards for our fellow Nicaraguans and natural resources


  • Medium - Also known as city or regular roast, which is the most common roasting profile. The natural flavors of the beans are more dominant than the roast flavors and the finish is delightfully aromatic.  
  • Dark - Also known as full city or French roast. The roast flavors dominate the natural flavors of the beans.        


  • Medium - Texture similar to table salt and used for drip brewing.
  • Coarse - Texture similar to rock salt and is ideal for slower brewing methods such as French press, percolator and cold brewing.
  • Fine - The most efficient grind for extracting the coffee's flavor and is best used with quick brewing methods such as espresso.

